
Showing posts from September, 2024

Debunking 5 IDIOTIC Moon-Landing Conspiracy Theories - Yes, WE WENT TO THE MOON

Since starting the Stuff That Happened YouTube channel, I’ve worked on videos about various historic subjects including the 9/11 attack, the Oklahoma City bombing, presidential assassinations, and of course, NASA and project Apollo – the space program that successfully sent the first human beings to the moon.  What I didn’t expect from the comments section was a massive amount of conspiracy theorists who believe 9/11 was an inside job, Oswald was completely innocent, and of course, the moon landing never actually happened.  People love a good conspiracy theory, but I had no idea how deep it went.  I entered into Conspiracy-theory filled rabbit hole on YouTube and discovered just how many of these people exist, and even include actual Flat Earthers who seem to genuinely believe the Earth is a flat like a pancake. I didn’t know these people really existed. I refuse to even entertain these individuals who must be either lying, mentally ill or simply complete idiots.   I will, however, be

The 10 Most Famous SIDESHOW Freaks That REALLY EXISTED!! A 4-Legged Woman.. THE ELEPHANT MAN!!!!

It's a sad reality that on occasion a human being is born with a deformity or abnormality that effects their physical appearance and in turn their ability to live a normal life.  For thousands of years, in the most servere cases, one of the only ways the individual could actually make a living was by being exhibited to the public.  Crowds would flock to these exhibitions and witness these individuals, known as freaks, at what would become known as freak shows or sideshows.   As far as back as the 17th century, Lazarus Colloredo would tour Europe, along with his parasitic twin brother, Joannes Baptista, who protruded out of the chest of Lazarus, but could not speak or open his eyes.  Rumor had it that if you poked Joaness in the chest, he would squirm or shake his hands. These sideshows reached their peak in the 19th Century in both the United States and Europe, during a time when photography first existed, so many of these individuals have been captured on camera or film, as the ma