
Showing posts from January, 2024


The ramifications and global effects of World War 1, which lasted between July 14th, 1914 and November 11th, 1918, are too massive and extensive to possibly cover in one video. At least 17 million people lost their lives, including at least 7 million civilians, and many more were left severely injured or disabled. That number could be considered much higher if one accounts for the deadly influenza epidemic of 1918, known as the Spanish Flu, which was a direct result of the war. The death toll from the epidemic is unknown but could be as high as 50 million. Friedrich Ebert There were also some everyday customs that derived from the war, such as men wearing the wristwatch as opposed to the pocket watch, which was completely impractical in war. The war led to the downfall of four monarchies – Russia, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and the country we’ll be focused on today, Germany. Some of the biggest effects of the war were economical. The sheer costs of the WW1 could not compare to

A Wrongly Convicted Man Spent 16 YEARS In Prison... The Story of Kevin Green

The instructions given to a jury during criminal trials tells them to only convict if the evidence is so overwhelming, no reasonable doubt exists that the defendant is guilty. Regardless of this, juries oftentimes get it wrong, and innocent people are sent to prison. In the case we will be discussing today, a jury determined a man was guilty based only on testimony that should not have been completely reliable due to the state of the witness. The man also had a clear and provable alibi. It didn’t matter. Emotions and anger led to a decision that cost an innocent man 16 years of freedom. Kevin & Dianna Green Kevin and Dianna Green were more or less a normal married couple in California during the late 1970’s. They were known, like many couples, to fight on occasion, but the 21-year old ex-Marine Kevin Green had no criminal history and did not seem to be a violent or troubled young man. The 20-year old Dianna was 9 months pregnant and Kevin was looking forward to becoming a fa

The UNTHINKABLE 1986 MT. HOOD Disaster - KIDS Pressured NOT TO TURN BACK In The Face of a STORM...

In May of 1986, a group of Portland, Oregon High School students along with 5 adults set off in an attempt to climb Mount Hood as part of an adventure program required by the school. The weather forecast did not look promising, but the expedition went on as planned. Sadly, deteriorating conditions and questionable decisions led the deadliest and most senseless disaster in the history of the mountain. At 11,249 feet, Mount Hood, an active stratovolcano, stands as the tallest mountain the state of Oregon and is a popular destination for climbers, attracting about 10,000 climbers per year. Although it lacks the deadly elevation of mountains like K2 and Everest, technical climbing skills are still required. Mountaineering gear like ice axes, ropes and crampons are needed and many of the major obstacles on the tallest mountains in the world such as crevasses, falling rocks and of course, deteriorating weather, are present on Mount Hood. Each year, around 25-50 people need to be rescued

The Horrifying Tooth/Sugar Experiment at Vipeholm Mental Institution (1945-1949)

During the early 20th Century, an epidemic was taking place in the country of Sweden as people, both adults and children, suffered from serious dental health issues. Even children as young as 3 were suffering from tooth decay and cavities, requiring false teeth. Dental health was generally poor across the globe during this time, and typically, rotting teeth were simply pulled. Although dentistry had existed for centuries, the modern practice was in its infancy and most normal people could not afford advanced procedures such as cavity fillings and root canals. No one agreed on the root cause. Even dentists were not in agreement. Some thought it was simply bad genetics. Others thought the modern diet was the cause as our ancestors ate more natural weeds with antibacterial properties. At that time, it was not even known whether or not sugar was a part of the problem. Politicians got involved as well and argued over whether or not publicly funded dental care should be introduced. The costs