
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Coldest Sociopath Ever? - "You're in a class by yourself." The Case of Stacey Castor & Antifree

Any one who has spent significant time studying true crime through books and documentaries has learned about certain people that put absolutely zero value on human life other than their own. Every time we think we’ve finally found the most vile, disgusting sociopath of all time, there’s always some one even worse to learn about in another case. Today, we’ll be discussing the case of one of these kinds of people – and she is one of the worst of the worst – as the judge who sentenced her said, she is in a class all by herself. This person is Stacey Castor and she was more than your typical black widow who murders her husbands for life insurance money – this woman was willing to frame and kill any and every one to protect herself – including her own flesh & blood. Stacey Castor was born as Stacey Daniels in Clay, New York in 1967 and from outward appearances, led a relatively normal life. She met her first husband, Michael Wallace, when she was 17 and they had two daughters togeth

The DAVID SHARP Everest Tragedy - Was He IGNORED & Left For Dead... Or UNPREPARED & Reckless??

In almost any situation in the real world where some one is in trouble and needs help, the right thing to do is help them. This is an automatic instinct for most people. If a player gets injured in a baseball game, the trainer comes running out and every one watching is concerned for the player’s well-being. However, there is one place in the world that is so inhospitable, so brutal in its environment, that just making sure that you yourself survive oftentimes takes priority over helping others. This place, of course, is Mt. Everest and there has been many incidents of climbers in serious trouble who needed help, but no one was able to save them. David Sharp One of these climbers was named David Sharp and what happened to him sparked outrage throughout the climbing community. Did over 40 climbers walk right by him as he sat dying, noticing him but opting not to help him so they could continue their quest towards the summit? Or, is there are another explanation as to why nobody wa