
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Mysterious Disappearance of a Yoga Celebrity Marcia Moore & HER SON 30 YEARS LATER...

During the winter of 1979, a well-known writer and yoga expert named Marcia Moore mysteriously vanished without a trace, leaving all her belongings behind as well as her husband. The discovery of her body 2 years later offered more questions than answers. Then, about 30 years later, another body was discovered, which turned out to belong to a man who had also gone missing in a strikingly similar case. Unbelievably, the man was Marcia’s son… Marcia Moore was born on May 22nd, 1928 in in Cambridge, Massachusetts into a successful family. Her father, Robert L. Moore, founded the Sheraton Hotel chain, which today operates over 440 hotels around the world. One of her three brothers, Robin Moore, became a successful writer with multiple books rising to the top of Best-Seller lists. Two of them, The Green Berets and The French Connection, were adapted to film. Marcia was also a talented writer but was also deeply into nature. She became an expert in the philosophy of yoga. Her senior

APOLLO 8: The INCREDIBLY AMBITIOUS First Flight To The Moon.. "I've Got The Moon..."

In 1961, John F. Kennedy proclaimed that we would go to the moon before the end of the decade. His proclamation was inspiring and powerful, but also gave NASA a deadline that would be extremely difficult to meet. America had only recently put the first men in space during Project Mercury. And the difference between entering space and successfully landing on the moon are massive. Space begins at about 73 miles above sea level and the world’s altitude record was a mere 850 miles, set by Gemini 11. The moon is 240,000 miles away from the Earth. In other words, at the time of JFK’s speech, we had made it about .003% of the way to the moon, which by the way, is a moving target that takes near perfect precision to successfully reach. A lunar landing was a task of such enormous complexity that it seemed nearly everything would have to go perfectly in order to accomplish the feat in such a short amount of time. Of course, everything did not go perfectly. There were multiple delays be

The Mad Chopper: a Chilling Story of Survival & a Maniac Set Free After 8 Years...

In 1978, 15-year old Mary Vincent, far from home without money or transportation, decided to hitchhike to her next destination. A man picked her up, and a horrifying sequence of events would follow, leading to an incredible survival story, a horrible miscarriage of justice, and a murder that should have never been allowed to happen. Mary Vincent Mary Vincent was born in 1963 and grew up in Las Vegas. She was one of seven children, living with her mother, a former blackjack dealer, and her father who worked as a mechanic. She was a typical teenager and enjoyed competitive dancing. She had dreams of someday becoming a professional and traveling the world. Sadly, her parents decided to divorce and Mary, along with her boyfriend at the time, drove off to California. There, the two lived out of a car for a while, until her boyfriend was arrested for the raping of another girl. Vincent was now on her own and made the decision to hitchhike to her grandfather’s home in Berkley, California